Strain Family Trees

About Strain Family Trees

Hybrids were created by crossing landraces. Favorable traits were selected in the breeding process and when stable genetic lines were achieved, some the most popular strains were created. Some classic strains have survived decades thanks to cloning techniques. First generation hybrids were then crossed and back-crossed with other strains to create many other hybrids. As strain genetics diversified, some famous family and subfamilies gave way to our favorite strains. 

First generation hybrids are responsible for some very well known strain families. As hybrids are crossed, further generations are created, becoming further removed from landrace genetics

Mutagenesis Generational Ranking (MGR) is CannaGenie Original Content.

Family Tree Graphics last updated 6/1/2020.


First Generation Hybrids

First generation hybrids are created when landraces are crossed together. Cultivars try to combine strains that could share desirable traits. For example, the desirable trait of dense Indica flowers is commonly incorporated via Afghanistan genetics. First generation cross breeds have led to some of the most well-known cannabis strain families.

First gen hybrid genetic families:

These strains are well known for their stable genetics and desirable traits acquired from its parent landraces. They have been used in many crosses and back-crosses furthing the family tree, and creating more and more hybrids.

Second Generation Hybrids

Second generation hybrids are created when first generation hybrids are crossed together. Some of the these popular second generation hybrids created new family trees with desireble traits passed onto many hybrids. These include:

Meanwhile, some second generation hybrids have become famous subfamilies. For example:

Third Generation Hybrids

Third generation hybrids are created when second generation hybrids are crossed together.

Fourth Generation Hybrids

Fourth generation hybrids are created when third generation hybrids are crossed together.

Fifth Generation Hybrids

Fifth generation hybrids are created when fourth generation hybrids are crossed together.

Sixth Generation Hybrids

Sixth generation hybrids are created when fifth generation hybrids are crossed together. These have not yet been catalogued.